
topatu, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 12th Feb., 2011
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

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About Topatu...

Hi all:)
My name is Sasha, I'm 19 years old
For two years I lived in the most beautiful city in the world - in Moscow. I live with my beloved boy, and three wonderful cats.
I join this site seems to be a long time, but cards sent is not enough. Ah, Russian mail ... : (

I look forward to any postcards, but the postcards to:
* cats,deer,fox ( i collect them :} )
* anime (especially Pokemon and Totoro)
* with cartoons (especially Hello Kitty and Mumintroll)
* with the theme of Harry Potter
* with sweets, food
* with books
* with redhair people
And when suddenly, somewhere in there cards with Placebo or Brian Molko, and you send them to me, I just go crazy with happiness!

I'd be happy most of all

I do not like cards with temples, churches and promotional cards.

I beg you, please write more:) Write about yourself, about the weather, their thoughts about their pets, favorite movies and songs:)
Write a few words in their language with the translation, I'll be glad to madness:)

Thank you all for what've read it through.
See you on the postcard;)

With love, Sasha

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