
timiat, Ireland
  • country Ireland
  • Member since Joined 27th Jul., 2016
  • icon Seen 13 days ago

Receive postcards
icon icon icon 4 Sent postcards on World Postcard Day in 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023WPD 17th on sent postcards from 17th on longest distance from
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon English, Italian, French, Russian (a little), German (barely)

About timiat...

I'm here because I have more postcards than sense and I'd like to share things with the world. :)

Any card you love will be perfect for me. I'd love to hear about you, your life, your home, or what you were singing in the shower this morning. If there's a story that goes along with the card, I'd love to read it.

I like people, cities, stories, and beauty. If you think it's cool, then I will enjoy it.

If you'd like inspiration for what sort of card to send, my favourites seem to have a lot of:

People: dancers, musicians, other artists, traditional stuff from where you live.
Architecture: buildings, cities, artsy photographs or paintings or drawings of same.
Maps: pretty much any map, sensible or frivolous.
Words: quotes, clever things, calligraphy, any of it. If it's not in English, Italian, French, Russian, or German, please translate it on the back, or give me a clue so I can figure it out.
Nature: dramatic landscapes, mountains or other rocky things, water or anything nautical really, sky, lightning.
Animals: Goats are awesome. Cats or other domestics, penguins or other avians, or cows because they're funny.

I've been a little obsessed with flowers lately. So postcards based on flowers would be lovely -- paintings, photographs, diagrams, anything. If there are flowers that are symbolic to your region, or if there are flowers that relate to a story, tell me about it. Or if there's a flower that's special to you for some reason, I'd enjoy hearing about that too.

Finally, I love beautiful stamps. I don't collect them, but I do appreciate them when I receive them and then I pass them along to a family friend who's a lifelong philatelist. If you send me awesome stamps, they will be well loved. The Europa stamps for 2022 (stories and myths) are particularly appreciated! (Also if you would like to trade for Europa 2022 stamps, I am open to that as well. Those ones I am collecting for myself. :) )

Starting January 2024, I have amassed a truly stupid quantity of postcards from travels and am trying to get them posted rather than letting them gather dust. If you receive a card from me that isn't from Ireland, know that I send it with love, and many good memories of travel!

Se si parli italiano, scrivimi in italiano per favore. Ho bisogno la pratica!

J'ai aussi besoin de pratiquer en français. Si tu m'écris en français, je vais essayer te répondre en français.

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