
rosabranca, Portugal
  • country Portugal
  • Member since Joined 22nd Jun., 2010
  • icon Seen 5 days ago

Receive postcards

About Rita...

Hi :D (Olá!)

My name's Rita and I'm 31.
I'm a Work/Organisational Psychologist. I also do Career Counseling.

Postcrossing is a great way to meet new cultures and new languages and to improve our knowledge about what is going on in the World

I love books, movies, tv series and music. :)
My favourites:
- Band: Muse
- Movie: Black Swan
- TV show: Sense8 and Sherlock (BBC)
- Book: Blindness (José Saramago). Favourite Classic: Anna Karenina
- I love choir music. I'm a big fan of Eric Whitacre!

Some tips/suggestions of postcards I'd like to receive:

- Landscapes of your place
- People: faces, eyes, crowds, friendship, couples, individuals, different cultures
- Postcards with pictures/sentences to think about (With powerful quotes of somebody or pictures that suggest particular situations)
- Something only exists in your place/country.
- Postcards with CHOIRS! :D
- Flowers <3
- Postcards related to Psychology
- Sunsets
- With nice pictures of dancers (e.g. ballerinas)
- Cards with famous and important people (like Obama !)
- Cards about Movies or Musicians
- TV Series Cards

Do you want to know what you could write me?
- You can tell me what is your favourite book or/and movie and why
- You can suggest a band/singer/music from your country!
- Share with me something that really moves you - your personal cause, mission in the world, what inspires you

Avoid only writing "Happy Postcrossing". I really like to listen and to read others perspectives. .

PS - If you are a letter-person, you can write me a letter and send me a postcard inside an envelope. I'm fascinated by people's stories. <3

Happy postcrossing!

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