
nasw, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 23rd Feb., 2011
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About nasw...


I'm Alex. I'm a struggling freelance photographer who's been living in Los Angeles since 1995. I used to write a lot of letters and postcards to people around the world, but that all slowly ended as we either got too busy, drifted apart, or moved to e-mail and social-networking sites.

Now, having discovered this site -- on Facebook, of all places! -- I'm inspired to get back into the swing of things. I'm hoping it'll help me use up some of the piles of postage stamps and rubber "air mail" stampers I've accumulated over the years!

I like any and all as far as postcards are concerned. If I do have a preference, I suppose it might be either for nice vintage/antique cards, or ones of people out interacting with their environment. I also like advertising and old roadside motel cards.

Nice stamps are a plus, if you're in a position to find some. :)


Update: As time has gone by, and I've gotten more of an idea as to what sorts of postcards are out there, I've realized that there are some kinds I would like that I almost never can find myself. Some of those would be:

•Vintage fashion images (Vogue covers, 1950s models, etc...)
•Political/propaganda poster images (all, but especially Chinese and Soviet).
•Tintin, Asterix, and Moomins.
•Old-fashioned "small" postcards (Ca. 3"x5")
•Ships, trains, balloons, dirigibles.
•Faeries (any, but especially Cicely Mary Barker's Flower Fairies)
•Late 19th-early 20th Century illustration.
•People in traditional dress (for example, I LOVE dirndls).
•Interiors (i.e. living rooms, lobbies, offices, and so forth).
•"PHQ" cards from the Royal Mail. I only just discovered these!

However, as stated earlier, I'm keen on receiving whatever you've got to send. :)

Update 2: If you feel inclined to look me up on Facebook, or other social media sites, please be sure to send a Message, so I know who you are (or send me a message through Postcrossing... or even another postcard! :D ). I know Facebook now directs mail from "strangers" to the Other box, but I do actually take time to check that box at least once or twice per month. Note: The Other box may not be accessible via mobile, in case you're wondering what I'm talking about..! :)

Additionally: I apologise in advance if I take a long time to reply to direct messages. I've gotten very bad at keeping up with e-mail (and thus checking for PostCrossing messages) over the last few years. The current pandemic has made this bad habit even worse, as the sheltering and isolation makes me often lose track of time, with days and days passing between e-mail checks, I'm afraid. It's nothing personal. :)

Most of this profile is from 2011.

Updated: Wednesday, 24 Januarië 2024, Los Angeles, California.

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