
lemoora, Lithuania
  • country Lithuania
  • Member since Joined 9th Dec., 2013
  • icon Seen about 9 hours ago

Receive postcards
icon icon 2 Postcrossing Supporter Sent postcards on World Postcard Day in 2022 & 2023WPD
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon Lithuanian, english; some german
  • icon she/her
  • icon 3rd May

About Jolanta...

Hello or "labas"! 😀👋

I'm called Jolanta, which in greek means "violet" - a flower 💜🌸. I live in Lithuania 🇱🇹, in it's capital Vilnius. Most people I met abroad even don't know this country exists.. unless, of course, they live nearby 🙃 Anyway it is a very cute little country in Europe, near the Baltic Sea. Best known for it's basketball players, golden amber, beautiful ladies and strange native food - have you ever tried cold pink salty soup with vegetables 🤓?

Love travelling 🧳, photographing 📸. Movies 🎞 are my passion and books 📚 are my obsession. Animals 🐙 and nature 🌿 always fill my heart with joy and calmness. And my newest source of joy - Postcrossing 📮🎉

UPDATE (2023, November):

I thought it would be cool to suggest a challenge every month for the postcard itself and for the text side as well, if you are willing to play along, of course! 😃👍 Well… I must admit, I stuck with the first month theme for…… more than ONE YEAR (!) actually 😅 So I am not doing it a “monthly” thing anymore. Now it’s just a theme (for unlimited time) that resonates with me - A N I M A L S! 💓

I think it’s quite an easy one, most postcrossers do have a postcard with some kind of animal, right? Of course, I have my favorites… Hmm, it would be even easier to mention which I don’t like 🤪 Generaly speaking - the more exotic and interesting - the better 😉 Not skipping the rats, snakes, bats, caterpillars! 😎 I will include a list later... someday 😂 But as for now, if you opt of an easy choice, it’s an illustrated postcard with a cat (can be just a part of whole scene) 😺🫶

Do not have such?.. no problem, you can get a grip, of what else I like in my gallery of ‘favorites’ - these are I don’t have, but absolutely would love to receive!!! ❤️🤩🥳 Or just send me postcard you like yourself a lot…

As for text 📄✍️ - tell me, what makes you happy, how do you relax, what helps calm down your body and mind? 😌😇 I really need more of that in my life, any ideas would be much appreciated! 💓🙏

Also… I really love beautiful stamps, so feel free to put few you find nice. Thank you! 🍀

Please write down the date on postcard you send. If postcard is kind of soft, fragile or it will travel a long distance, you may put it in an envelope, but it's up to you 😉

Best Wishes,
Jolanta ❤️

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