
kolosova, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 23rd Oct., 2011
  • icon Seen over 3 years ago

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  • icon Russian, English, Polish, Ukrainian
  • icon she/her

About Lena...

!!! Dear Mr. Thomas Choate from USA! Your envelop wis card was damaged, so say me, please, ID and I will register it!!!
Hi! My name is Lena, 34 years old. I live in Baranovichy, Belarus.
I’m a TV-journalist. I have a husband Dima (he is a driver), a daughter Julia (she is 10 y.o.) and a son Kirill (he is 7 y.o.). I love them SO much!

I like beautiful,colourful and optimistic cards :) Especially cute drawn illustrations or paintings. And I like mail-art very much!

If you want to make me happy, please send me one of these kinds of cards:
- drawn cards (illustrations from children’s books, funny animals, women, cafe etc.)
- drawn (or photo) girls and women with RED hair (I also have red hair)
- "Harry Potter"
- Nouvelles, lali cards
- WT series (World Travel) (I have only Switzerland)
- Aeppol (Лесная девочка Эполь)
- people in national clothes
- winter and Christmas (all year round!)
- funny maps
- mailbox, post, postage
- CATS (Rina Zeniuk - my love!)
- cookery, gastronomy, berries
- fairies
- Geisha
- Merilyn Monroe (my and her birthdays are on the 1st of June :))
- "Downton Abbey"
- Inge Löök - old ladies (I have only №17, 23, 25, 32, 214, 224)
- Hilda by Duane Bryers
- cards by Kim Jakobs, Jenny Nystrom, Corinne DeMuynck, Jeffrey Severn (bears)

Из стран постсоветского пространства буду счастлива получить:
- котиков Рины Зенюк
- девочки, девушки, женщины в головных платках, шалях, кокошниках
- деревенские мотивы
- сирень
- снегири и свиристели
А также открытки следующих авторов:
- Евгения Чистотина
- Вячеслав Кривенко
- Надежда Стрелкина
- Елена Уварова
- Саша Салмина (файно)
- Екатерина Бабок
- Антон Ломаев
- Анастасия Морева (почтовые подружки)
- Светлана Симоненко
- Мария Павлова
- Александра Дикая
- Евгения Гапчинская
- Екатерина Дудник
- «Cоюзмультфильм» (новые или советские)

- You may also look through “my favourites” to see what cards I’m dreaming of: http://www.postcrossing.com/user/kolosova/gallery/favourites

* If you don’t have any of these cards, please send me just something colourful and optimistic. :)

* If you send your card in an envelope and that's not expensive and too much of a trouble for you, I will be really grateful if you enclose some stickers for my daughter :)

* Please DON’T send me AD, religious or self-printed cards!

Happy postcrossing! :))

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