
joylynne1, South Africa

Receive postcards

About joylynne1...

Hi we are in Johannesburg, South Africa. We are collecting postcards from as many places around the world to learn about different places and people. I study at home with my mom and sister and this is part of our world studies curriculum.
I would appreciate postcards about interesting places or people or charities or nature or those you have made yourself.
We are busy setting up a blog about our collection
Some countries we have many cards from now and so are asking you to help us with our project for next year which is Around the world in 180 books, so please help. We would love if we were able, please, to receive:
From America – Eric Carle
From Czech – Little Mole (Krtek) or Peter Sis
Finland - Moomin
France – Barbar
Netherlands – Jip and Janneke
You get the idea…
It is better for us if you post just the card without an envelope so your stamp stays with your card, unless you want to send a small token from your country, in which case an envelope is required and no problem, just leave a little space where we can stick the stamp onto the postcard on our end.
Thanks for connecting the world together for us.

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