
jimiechoki, Bhutan
  • country Bhutan
  • Member since Joined 15th Feb., 2012
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

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About Jigme...

Hi...I'm huh, I believe in God...I know he will look after me....where good and better is not enough I want 2 be THE BEST....I want 2 be astounded by life...I believe in living by de moment

I’ve always loved writing letters and receiving them. So, fanatics who share my adoration of writing-reading letters let’s bring back the anticipation, keep the flame and carry on the passion for years to come. Give me your permission to hope for the same. I do hope amidst so much of activities in your life, you still continue to write in, especially to your loved ones living at the other end. Who knows you might find yourself fulfilling their long awaited wish along with yours like we found ours.

Until then, while I go and write, why don’t you go, get hold of a letter pad and start writing too? You never know, you might get a great new adventure waiting for you to be read, the next time you check out your post box or pigeon hole. So, who’s joining me for a game of letter writing?


PS. "What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can't reread a phone call." - Liz Carpenter

PPS. Keep those postcards coming (and going)!

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