
gypsygold840, United Kingdom

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  • icon 17th July

About Barbara...


I find each day too short for all the thoughts i want to think
all the walks I want to take
all the books I want to read
and all the friends i want to see - John Burroughs

I grew up in the Namib Desert, on the Atlantic Ocean coast which is uniquely stunningly beautiful.

I was educated in Cape Town, where I discovered the amazingness of mountains and warm ocean beaches and winelands -

I now live in Southampton in the UK and appreciate the New Forest and in contrast the busy shipping activity.

Cards -* - I think I am going to allow the senders the freedom to choose - whatever they want - whatever they think suits me - all received cards are favourites.

I especially like it when you write something and share with me
I am so pleased to receive each and every card and really appreciate the time and effort whatever you send - so let me thank you in advance.

I'm a outdoor kinda gal - love clouds, mountains, ocean, trees, flowers, stars, phenomena like comets, meteor showers, aurora, full moon - picnics in stunning places where I can appreciate the awesomeness of the universe.

I like randomness and photography. I love road trips and being with loved ones. I love discovering new things and places.

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