
cold_dead_bunny, Ukraine
  • country Ukraine
  • Member since Joined 17th Feb., 2008
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About Alena...

Hello to everyone,

I haven't been active in Postcrossing for a while, now I'm back! :)

I'm 22, practicing law in a small company, love to travel, meeting new people, love music, read books, collecting coins and fridge magnets from countries I have been to.

I would be happy to receive this cards:

- art;
- retro styled cards, old houses, old tiny streets;
- old/vintage cards (view cards prefer)
- weired/strange cards - with strange odd pics, or adult oriented, funny cards etc;
- black&white or very colorful cards;
- cars, transport, especially vintage (old) cars;
- beautiful single view cards;
- something special from your country - clothes, cuisine, traditions, people, local life...;
- castles;
- mountains, islands;
- ad cards of Apple (that makes iPods;), tv shows (Lost, House MD, Friends, Sex and the city, any other popular show), funny ad cards;
- rock, indie, punk bands.

Please please don't send me self-printed cards, or cards with animals! Nature, wild life or interesting local plants are ok :)

Let me know if your card is not registered within a reasonable period of time, please!

You can see your postcard on my wall after I receive it and scan!

P.S. please, write my home address correctly - yes, my house number is 1/2 :)

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