
benalvarez, Ecuador
  • country Ecuador
  • Member since Joined 28th Apr., 2013
  • icon Seen over 2 years ago

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About Ben...

I am a male, 67 years of age. Still working and active, with a bunch of hobbies: orchids, bees, few antiques, and home farming. Collecting postcards and stamps since I was 14 years old. I have discontinued stamp collecting due to this hobby has lost its charm, I believe. But I like a lot to see nice stamps on the cards I receive and on those I send. I prefer to send and receive postcards without envelopes, stamped on the same postcard which make postcards more valuable. I like to send and receive postcards colorful stamped with several pieces of stamps. PLEASE DO NOT USE POSTAGE METERS. Spanish and English are my native languages. ENJOY POSTCROSSING AS MUCH AS I DO ! Any card you can send to me is OK, and I will enjoy to receive it.
Happiness is to enjoy simple things in life, and to be happy with that each one of us have. The more material things you have, less happy you will be. Keep things that you may never lose or get stolen by thieves or fire : good memories, your happiness, your smiles -received and given- and your peace of mind, knowing that you have never done anything bad to anybody --knowing it--, or on purpose. If you did, ask for forgiveness. Proud and anger will never pay. And also remember : IF THERE IS A SOLUTION, THERE IS NOT A REASON FOR WORRY; AND IF THERE IS NOT A SOLUTION, WHAT IS THE SENSE FOR WORRY, THEN ? I know it is very easy to say, but hard to comply, but please lets try, and just be happy in each situation. Laugh of yourself.
God (or the supreme order of the Universe, if you believe so) writes straight on crooked lines. Think about it. What it means to you ? Always there is a reason for every thing that happen to us. And the sun is brighter after each storm. If something bad or good happens to you, there is a reason for it, and at the end it happens always be for your good. It does not just happens. There is an unknown reason, but there is one. Life is always FAIR. Life is never unfair. Believe it or not, it is a tremendous truth.
I trust you will like these words, and please think about it a little. The Universe may be a safer place if just the people would stop a few minutes in the rush of the dayly life, and think about simple ideas that are so primary, that just following those you would need less medicines and will not suffer excesive stress.
It is so sad to see how so many people run and sofocate themselves to get money, and more money; and when they have plenty of it they have to spend the most of it in medicines, doctors and hospitals to try to cure the effects of an over stressed life and its results.
The best for you.

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