
adi28, Germany
  • country Germany
  • Member since Joined 22nd Jan., 2009
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

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  • icon German, English, Spanish (a bit), Russian (a bit)
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About Astrid...

My name is Astrid, I am 40 years old and live in Berlin, the capital of Germany. I like ballroom dancing as well as riding my motorbike, I like listening to Hard Rock music as well as classical opera, I like hiking as well as cooking for my family and friends. But most of all I like to travel through different parts of the world and to get in contact with people.

I would like to receive a POSTCARD WITH A PERSON: normal person, but also well-known person. These postcards make me feel that somebody is saying "Hello!" to me. Most I would appreciate black-and-white postcards of persons. If you don't find a postcard with a person, you might think about sending a postcard with a picture of yourself or of your great-grandparents? Thank you very much in advance.

If you could send me a postcard with one of the following persons and send me your address, I will send you two "Thank-you" postcards in return:
- Hillary Clinton
- Marie Curie
- Valentina Tereshkova
- Star Trek The Next Generation (Captain Picard, Data, Worf etc.)
- Libuše Šafránková (actress in "Tři oříšky pro Popelku"/"Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel")
- Depeche Mode (Martin Gore is and always was my favourite)
- David Bowie
- Roberto Carlos (the Brasilian football player)

I am interested in "comparative statistics". I think with some "numbers", I can learn a bit about living conditions in different countries. I would like to ask you to write me the following prices/costs in your country:
- How much does (approximately) a teacher earn per month?
- How much does a loaf of bread cost?
- How much does a simple book cost?
- How much does a family have to pay to rent an apartment or accommodation per month?
These are difficult questions, I know. Please, give me some estimation. (There is no correct or wrong.) Thank you very much.

I am also interested in political issues. I would appreciate it very much, of you could write your opinion on any current political topic in your country. Are there any "hot topics" in your country and what do you think about? For example think about health, education, military, foreign affairs or environmental issues.

Thank you very much in advance. All the best for you!

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