
Sarena5436, Taiwan
  • territory Taiwan
  • Member since Joined 6th Jul., 2014
  • icon Seen 3 days ago

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  • icon English, Mandarin, French, Japanese
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  • icon 23rd April 1996
    (28 years old)

About Sarena...

Hey there! Pleasure meeting you, seems like you've either got my address or clicked on my profile! Either way, welcome to this little realm of mine where I'm free to write what I want.... :P
But I suppose I'll conform to the guidelines here and do a brief self intro (instead of conforming to my intrusive thoughts to resort to a litany of dark humor galore)

∞ I ride motorcycles and play blues on the electric guitar. I enjoy water sports immensely.
∞ Studied maths and physics in Uni. I graduated from PPL(Private Pilot's License) training but then my health prevented me from flying. Aviation has always been a dream of mine due to my father being a fighter pilot, but sometimes you don't get what you want and that's perfectly okay. Currently a biomedical research technician and a med school student.

∞ Father is Taiwanese, mother is a kiwi (New Zealander), lived in France (Toulouse), California and Scotland (Edinburgh) long term throughout my life.

There are the things I love the most in a post card like sealife (my favorite animals are whales and dolphins! Mermaids are real btw, I refused to believe anyone who says otherwise :P), illustrated artwork, ANIMALLS, astronomy and history, but you can send me anything you want from cards to letters. <3

Last but not least, also an avid literature reader (for reasons that might bring scorn upon myself) : I have a passion in finding circumlocutory ways to insult people I dislike without them realising it wasn't a compliment.

Here are a couple of my favorite insults I've been fortunate enough to come across in my life:
"Do this world a favor - pull your lower lip over your head and swallow."
"S/He would have been EXCELLENT at squash - s/he'd make a wonderful wall."

Favorite season is Christmas cause then I can wrap a TON of fake presents, put them under my tree and gaslight myself into thinking I've got a lot of friends.

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