
RoyalDiamond, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 15th Nov., 2012
  • icon Seen over 1 year ago

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About Evgeniya...

Hello! My name is Evgeniya. Live in Chelyabinsk city, South Ural. I have honey daughter Ariana, 4 y.o. Some of my hobbies - travelling, cross-stiching, scrapbooking and postcrossing. Four years ago my dream comes true - I became an owner of the postcards internet-shop I invite all of you to visit it and enjoy of choosing the cards))).
I'm always open for direct swaps, especially with the postcards of my favourite themes - WISH FOR NOVEMBER & DECEMBER - CAROUSEL
1. Gnomes, trolls
2. Rooster
3. Libra sign
4. Alice in Wonderland
5. KRTEK by Zdenek Miller
6. Pin-up girls
7. Inge Löök old ladies
8. Alphons Mucha
9. Anne Geddes babies
10. Thomas Kinkade's pictures and similar
11. Gorjuss
12. Donald Zolan
13. Royal dynasties
14. weddings and brides
15. Olympic Games (logos, mascots)
16. circus, clowns, "Cirque du Soleil", carnivals, masks
17. hot-air balloons
18. all about post, letters, postboxes
19. women, kids in national clothes
20. Teddy bears
21. wild cats
22. Greetings from ... (unofficial are welcome too)
23. lighthouses
If you haven't any kinds of these themes - send me the most interesting sight of your city \ country.
I'll be very glad to see bright and beautiful stamps (especially - Olympic Games, EUROPA CEPT, cats, postcrossing).
If you are from England - I'd like to recieve PHQ cards and stamps with Alice in Wonderland!!!
I like Special Cancellations (postmarks), Maxicards.
My recieved collection is here
If you have time, please, check it to avoid dublicates.
My favourite cards in this profile those I'd like to recieve.
Welcome to my instagram:

Помимо вышеперечисленного собираю:
1. Романовых
2. "Музей Матрешки", русское народное (хохлома, гжель, самовар)
3. Cоюзмультфильм
4. открытки Л.Афремов, А.Аверин, О.Ионайтис, А.Ломаев
5. коты - М.Павлова, И.Зенюк, И.Гармашова
6. В.Кирдий (новогодняя тема)
Всегда рада красивым маркам, КМ, СГ.
В фаворитах те, которые хочу получить.
Мой профиль вконтакте

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