
MsRosey8, Qatar
  • country Qatar
  • Member since Joined 21st Aug., 2010
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

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About Whardah...

Hey I am Whardah it means (THE ROSE OF HEAVEN)

Well i got in involved with this project after a few of my loyal pen-pals suggested that i join. I Love collecting postcards i think it is a way of me seeing more of the world out there. As a young child i have always been interested in the world's different faiths, cultures, languages traditions and customs. I have to kittens 5 month old Raja and 8 week old Pinky

Things that are important in my life is: family, friends, Animals, Books, Movies, Music, Charity, Sports, Religion,Volunteering and the little things in my life that make me happy and there are many....... I support: Cancer, Gay Rights, Aids Education

I would like any types of postcards if you don't have anything on this list i don't really mind it's not a major train smash

Sponge Bob Square Pants
Cities - Views, Skyline, Arial Vies, Staduims, Lanscape, Beaches, Trains, Buildings,Historical
People - Old Classic Movie Stars, Royal Families, Prince William and Kate, Public Figures, Political Figures, Indigenous People of your country, Traditional Clothing
Places - Mosques, Churches , Palaces , Castles
Ancient - Pyramids, Venice, Petra , Mecca, Madinah
Dirrent Language Alphabet Cards
Disney Cards - I love winnie the pooh the most but any other disney cards would be great
Movie cards - Twilight, Harry Potter and other Movies
Animals - Tigers, Horses, Panda,Polar Bear, Whales, Wolves, Kangroo, Koala, Toucan, Flacon
Famous Movie and Music Legends - Marilyn Monroe

Wow if anyone has 3D postcards that is so cool, multiple View cards are my favorites and also funny shaped cards will be cool

Hey if there is anyone out there that is looking for a penpal to write letters with please send me message because i am always looking for new people to correspond with through letters.......

visit my website

I am desperately looking for postcard swaps from EGYPT,IRAN,IRAQ,BAHRAIN,QATAR,SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT, OMEN, YEMEN, TUNISIA, ALGERIA, JORDAN, CHILE, URUGUAY, BOLIVIA, PARAGUAY, PERU, ECUADOR, COLOMBIA, GUYANA PARAMARIBO, GUIANA, VENEZUELA , MEXICO, GUATEMALA, BELIZE, NAMBIA or and other African countries, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA, CUBA, PANAMA, COSTA RICA, SRI LANKA and many other countries please send me a request if you are interested in swapping privately with me

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