
Mcbabs, Germany
  • country Germany
  • Member since Joined 5th Oct., 2012
  • icon Seen over 11 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon Deutsch, English, Francais, un pocito Espanol
  • icon she/her
  • icon 28th November

About Barbara...

I am a 44 year old living in a suburb of Hamburg in northern Germany and like travelling, meeting people, learning languages, eating, cooking, reading, science, knowledge, life, history, music (all kinds of depening on my mood to include classical), nature, animals, plants... name it and I'll find it interesting.

I will be happy with any postcard you would like yourself. I do like touristy postcards that show something typical of where you live or a place or the landscape in your area - and I like them even more if you tell me what's in the pic. Selfmade postcards are welcome, too.
And I love birds - so a postcard with a bird would be great, also.

Write me whatever you want: who you are, where you live, do you work and as what? Tell me what the postcard displays. Is it the part of town you're living in? Is it your most favourite part of the city or area? You can also recommend a movie or a book to me.

Je n'ai pas de préférences - envoyez moi une carte postale que vous aimez vous mêmes. Dîtes moi qui vous êtes, où et comment vous habitez. C'est une grande ville ou un petit village? Est-ce qu'il fait chaud chez vous ou froid? Vous faisez quoi dans la vie? Expliquez moi un peu ce que la carte postale montre. Une partie de votre ville? Un quartier connu? Votre endroit le plus favorable?


Estudio el espanol/ el castillano pero soy debutante :) Si me escrives en espanol por favor utiliza las frasas cortas y las palabras simples y una escritura legible :) :) :) Muchas gracias

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