
Love2Kayak, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 10th Jun., 2020
  • icon Seen 3 days ago

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icon Sent postcards on World Postcard Day in 2023WPD

About Lester...

Hi, I'm Lester; a Texan living in Atlanta (USA). Interests include travel, RV "glamping", canoeing & kayaking, waterfalls, covered bridges, saltwater aquariums, penpal'ing, and of course, movies, TV, music, and general scifi/superhero "stuff".

As for postcards, I'M GLAD FOR ANYTHING! *IF* I had any requests they'd be related to above interests, hand-made ones, and any oversized and/or irregular shaped cards which includes ROUND ones. :)

Additionally, turtles (esp. sea turtles), lighthouses, military, Batman, Hello Kitty (inside joke!), Pokemon, Texas themed, VW microbus/van, mermaids, Converse All-Stars, Hobbit/LOTR, and anything space related (real or fantasy) would be awesome. If you send me a TWIN PEAKS postcard we'll be BFFs!!! Batman cards are a special treat! I'd say Marvel's Daredevil, too, but I've never seen a card of him...

And yes, I said ANYTHING so go ahead and send me those dreaded AD CARDS that everyone seems to tell you not to send to them. LOL!!

All those suggestions aside, sometimes the best cards are ones you never imagined; SURPRISE ME! PLEASE!! :)

Prefer mailing without envelopes (the wear & tear speak to the journey) and cool stamps are always an added bonus.

I'm glad to make a direct swap of cards to anyone interested.

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