
Lexidh, Norway
  • country Norway
  • Member since Joined 11th Aug., 2005
  • icon Seen over 2 years ago

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About Lexidh...

Please put the card inside an envelope if this is possible (I know it may cost more from some countries). I get so sad when a gorgeous card is destroyed and unreadable. And that is often the case when I get postcards with no envelope. I have no idea what they do to my mail before I get it, but it's not nice =( I don't have a regular postman either, so it seems like very man and his dog has to do with the mail here.

I am TOTALLY CHRISTMAS CRAZY and I LOVE getting christmas cards all year round. I use the cards to decorate my home in December, a nice way to use the cards I get for something except collecting them in an ever growing pile. So if you have a christmas card; PLEASE send it to me! Especially if you have one by Mauri Kunnas, my absolute favorite christmas artist. But please no religious cards, I believe religion is a private matter and Christmas is not about religion for me.

I also love all kinds of animal cards (I have 4 cats and some inbred ugly tropical fish), and colorful cards. Not so much into the touristy kinds of cards, but send what you have, I register everything I get as soon as I can =)

If you want to swap other things with me or others you should check out www.swap-bot.com where I'm also registered as Lexidh.

Thanks for reading, and happy postcrossing!

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