
Kaskade, Netherlands
  • country Netherlands
  • Member since Joined 17th Nov., 2011
  • icon Seen over 10 years ago

Receive postcards

About Kaskade...

My name is Kaskade and I'm a 37 year old mother of three small children.

I would like to receive any animation, cartoon or illustration card, but you would really make me happy with a card about:

- any anime/ manga (I prefer cute guys);
- Gundam Seed (Destiny), Magi, Gintama, Reborn;
- Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki, the Ghibli museum;
- Final Fantasy;
- art from Kim Min Ji and other Korean illustrations;
- Kaori Wakamatsu;
- Igor Arty;
- Le petit Prince;
- Alice in Wonderland;
- Rilakkuma;
- Henry Cats, Jetoy, Ali, Makoto Muramatsu, Kotovasiya;
- any card from my wall of favourites.
Here you see my collection:

I also like cards about:
- children's book illustrations;
- Hello Kitty, Disney, Pixar or any other cartoon-character.
- fantasy and fantasy-movies;
- movie-posters;
- cards from events (art or music) from your country;
- colorful and beautiful photo's from nature;
- art.

If you don't have anything from above, I would like you to cut a piece from a cardboard food package sold in your country, cut and written like a postcard. Please translate or write something about the front.
I don't like touristcard, multiview or funny cards.

Please write something about yourself on the card, like your favorite book, song, movie or hobby. I'm also interested in the anime or manga you like.
I like beautiful or unusual stamps, especially with cartoon-characters or anime.

Wherever, whatever, have a nice day.


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