
JulGorm, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 21st Jun., 2011
  • icon Seen over 11 years ago

Receive postcards

About Julie...

Hi there! My name is Jul and I'm a 24-year-old student from upstate New York, USA. I joined because I missed writing real letters by hand, and because I know what it is like to be a lonely college student that wishes they would get something in their mailbox. I'm sorry to anyone I may have gotten behind with on postcards. My dad had a heart attack and I went inactive for a long time.

I study Political Science, Economics, and Social Philosophy. I'm looking forward to working on a graduate degree soon, or perhaps attending law school. I love music, literature, video games, and photography amongst other things.

I'm interested in receiving any type of postcard/mail - surprise me! I collect postcards, but I understand that sometimes you might have to improvise if you are short on money. Just please do not send anything you wouldn't want to receive yourself!

I love to learn new things, so tell me about yourself or the place you live. If you're a student, tell me what it is like to be a student at your school. If you are a creative writer and would like to send me a story, I'd love to read it!

Also, I am interested in learning new languages. So if you speak one that I don't and would like to write a letter in both English and Russian (for example), I would very much enjoy figuring out how to read it.

If you would like to receive private mail in return, please let me know in your postcard/mailing. I'd be happy to say hello! =)

<3 Jul

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