
EdwinFK, France
  • country France
  • Member since Joined 30th Apr., 2010
  • icon Seen over 10 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon french, german, spanish, englich
  • icon he/him

About EdwinFK...


I'm Edwin. I study photography in a art school in Arles (south of France). I'm very interested in the postcrossing project and in all what is about "image", and the relation of the people with the images. For my part, i try to send postcard with special characteristics (for example old postcards found in the flea market) and in connection with a history. I will be very happy to receive any postcard of you where you explain me your relation with the image that you send. For example :

- a image that you very like, and explain me why
- a image that you find very very kitsch, and explain me why
- a very old postcard that have a history that you know or that you imagine
- a "homemade" postcard
- ...and all the postcards representing a picture that you briefly analyze, in the way you want.

I'm working with images, and what interess me is the relationship of everyone with the pictures. It's just for me, to understand the world, and you!
I can read you in english, french, german and spanish!
Thank you very much!


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