
AshleyF, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 7th Dec., 2009
  • icon Seen about 14 hours ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon English, French
  • icon she/her
  • icon 26th September

About Ashley...

May 2020 edit: As we end our second month of staying home, I am starting to think more about the global aspects of the current pandemic and am eager to hear your story. Please tell me about your experiences surrounding the SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 pandemic, either yours personally or what is happening in your country/state/city. As an educator, I am hoping to make a pandemic “time capsule” to preserve memories of this time for future generations. Thank you and stay safe!

June 2020 edit: If you want to, tell me about your efforts to be anti-racist. #BLM

Hi! My name is Ashley.

I have had a postcard collection since childhood. I teach science at an early college high school in Dallas, Texas, but I have lived in 6 states around the country. My graduate degree is in pharmaceutical chemistry.

I ❤️ Postcrossing because I enjoy adding to my collection, learning new things, and "meeting" people around the world. I love all postcards and enjoy seeing different countries' stamps and postmarks. Please write something more than just "Happy Postcrossing" and your name. I'd love to read something about you and what your life is like. Maybe you have a favorite quote or saying that you'd like to share. If you could, please include the date and a brief weather report (e.g. 13°C, rain).

I know that a list of favorite themes or "wishes" can help me choose a card that I think will best suit someone. With that in mind I offer you the following suggestions of cards that I particularly enjoy and like to collect.
Cemeteries, gravestones, or cultural practices honoring the dead (e.g. Dia de los Muertos)
Submarine, U-boat, Navy-themed
Macro-views of nature or interesting objects
Chemistry, molecules, scientists, Nobel Laureates, chemical science, science education, etc.
Cryptozoology & cryptids
Kangaroos (my college's mascot)
Gargoyles/grotesques, stonework and ornate wrought-iron designs
Cacti and succulents
Elaborate/elegant Venetian masks
Astronomy and atmospheric science--eclipses, constellations, interesting cloud forms, etc.
Mosques, temples, cathedrals, etc.
Unique buildings & unusual architecture

Please don't send any postcards with inappropriate (crass, nude, blood & gore) content. My "favorites" includes both cards that I have received and ones that I would like to receive. I don't care if you send your card in an envelope, but I do request that you send me a POSTCARD (not greeting card or notecard).

I enjoy sending cards as much as I do receiving them. I look at the recipient’s profile and try to pick the perfect card--sometimes it’s tough! (Sorry if I don’t pick the perfect card for you.)

Thanks in advance. Cheers!

PS Sometimes the US Postal Service affixes a white, half-inch-wide sticker across postcards (for a barcode). This strip can be easily removed without damaging the card.

PPS My avatar is a bobcat stamp that looks my 11-year-old cat named Rum Tum Tugger (after the T.S. Eliot poem)

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