
Amena, Latvia
  • country Latvia
  • Member since Joined 17th Feb., 2016
  • icon Seen 32 minutes ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon English, Русский, Latviešu, Українська (трохи), Беларуская (са слоўнікам), 日本語 「すみません。日本語があまり上手ではありません。^^" 」
  • icon she/her
  • icon 6th May 1988
    (35 years old)
  • icon

About Lena...


I'm Lena and I live with 3 adorable cats🐾. Insights into who I am: a night owl; when I read books the world stops; I like petrichor and spring a lot; love cuddling my sleepy cats in bed after waking up; I listen to music outdoors, giving my walks their own soundtracks; I dream in vivid colours.

I'm interested in:
🌠 tabletop and computer games
🌠 exotic pole dance
🌠 Asian culture
🌠 psychology
🌠 geocaching
🌠 photography
🌠 popular science
🌠 books, comics, manga
🌠 music [rock, dubstep, minimal, chill-out].

I find joy in many things (no specific order):
🌑 alternative style: grunge, gothic, steampunk, colourful hair, corsets, tattoos, piercing
🌑 seductive aesthetics (all genders): bondage, pole dancers, stripper heels, lingerie
🌒 dark fantasy, dragons, mythical creatures, modern witchcraft, dream catchers
🌒 Gothic, abandoned places, old cemeteries, Dark Academia
🌓 eyes, lips, hands, jewellery, bones art & photos
🌓 dark or introvert humour
🌔 calligraphy, lettering
🌔 mist, smoke
🌕 sea
🌖 Universe, science
🌖 tea, coffee, cocktail drinks
🌗 watercolour art, urban sketch
🌗 wall vandalism, street musicians, fire performers
🌘 photography & art genres: minimalist, street, urban, flat lay
🌘 animals [Felidae, Canidae, armadillo girdled lizards, jellyfish...]
🌑 plants [succulents, hortensia, red spider lily, bonsai, ikebana, lily of the valley]
🌑 night/sunset/lightning sky, polar lights, silky smooth flow of water, fury of nature.

Feel free to pick a postcard that resonates with you, or even strange one you've forgotten why you bought at all, but I do have preferences, which I hope you'll consider. I tend to feel less connected to postcards featuring:
💥 Christmas, NY, Easter or birthday (but I'd be happy to receive congratulations textually)
💥 trophy/sport hunting (tends to stir up strong emotions for me)
💥 little children or pregnant women (feels a bit out of place)
💥 references to dogmatic religions (too personal)
💥 multi-view (one thing at a time for me).

🎐 Please, snap and upload a photo of your postcard with interesting background before sending - it could be your pet, a book, a street view, travel location... anything. Scanning is fine too!
🎐 I'd appreciate it if you could include a snippet of local newspaper.
🎐 I lack 'Favourites' section cards, but would embrace them.
🎐 Handmade/crafted cards are welcomed.
🎐 Preferably w/ envelope.

Here are some themes I'd love to hear about:
✒️a poem or short story by you or just closest to your heart
✒️urban legend or fascinating myth
✒️entertainment that amazed you
✒️clothing style you prefer
✒️weather outside
✒️local street wall quote
✒️best-loved star constellation
✒️funny or strange dream you had
✒️story or fact related to the picture
✒️fun fact about you, the place you live in or come from
✒️a sentence in your native or preferred language (with translation).

A quick doodle will delight me, any kind of creativity is encouraged, stickers are great.


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