
AirinWilvarin, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 15th Nov., 2013
  • icon Seen over 10 years ago

Receive postcards

About Irina...

Dear Frends!
My name is Irina and I live in Russia, in a small town named Kaluga. I am 29 years old. I love my town, but I want to see all world, all countries, all beautiful and wondering sights of our world))
My wish-list. This postcards I like:
- famous and beautiful views of your home country and your home town
- Unesco-list places
- anything than famous your country, with which is associated(beer for Ireland, matryoshka for Russia, cowboys for USA etc...)
- birds (especially parrots and owls)
- self-made postcards
- art postcards
- funny and humor
- cartoons and mouvies
- original and non-common postcards
- rock-music theme

I will be glad to receive all types of postcards!
If you write some words for me on a postcards - I will happy!
Thank you! Happy postcrossing!
Поскольку на сайте много русскоязычных посткроссеров, пишу для вас (граждане России)
Буду рада получить открытку с видом вашего города, если нет такой - что-нибудь забавное (см.выше, там целый список) в принципе любой вариант, только не с русским колоритом)))))) ну, сами понимаете. (мой адрес: Ирине Типикиной, улица Тульская д.121, кв.49, Калуга, 248003, Россия)

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