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Blog > Hashtag #xtremedeltiology and #xtremephilately


You know how sometimes you see photos in which a postcard is put in front of the place where its picture was taken? Like this:

A beach postcard held in front of the beach it was taken in

Sometimes the image on the postcard was taken many years ago, and now the surroundings look different and buildings have changed… but you can still kind of see where that image used to fit, like a magic window looking into the past! Lately, I’ve seen more and more of this type of images popping up on social media, featuring both postcards and stamps, with the respective hashtags #xtremedeltiology and #xtremephilately. I find them brilliant! 😍

A set of 9 images featuring stamps in front of the real monuments that are pictured on the stamps

Some #xtremephilately images, including by postcrossers richardphilatelist and katu_bu (katu_snailmail on Instagram), fans of this challenge.

Graham Beck (from Youtube channel Exploring Stamps) started using the #xtremephilately hashtag back in 2017, and described it as a way to “take stamps out of their cozy albums and showcase them in the real world for everyone to see via social media”. More recently, he has made a wonderful video about exploring Atlantic City through its postcards:

So how can you join the fun? Just pick a stamp or a postcard, and take a picture of it near a relevant place! If a building or monument is featured, it can be in the place where it stands (or used to stand), but sometimes you can also be more metaphorical about it and make an obscure connection. Then all you have to do is share it on social media, or on the forum topics for this kind of stamps and postcard pictures.

It’s a great way to learn more about our postcards and stamps, and the perfect excuse to get out there and share those special items (and the hobbies associated with them) with the world. We’d love to see the places you explore and what you learn about them!

33 comments so far

harrickson, United States of America

Fascinating concept! Love the sharing aspect of it.

sutan, Indonesia

Great idea for preserving sights of the past to the present and the future.

twinkletwonkle, Singapore

that's so cool!

lyndac, Canada

Is there a topic/ section on the Forum for this.

TurtleFan, Switzerland

What fun! Very neat.

APostcardFromRussia, Russia

I love this concept. I also like taking pictures if my sent cards in front of the location that’s shown on the card. I think it adds more connection, too. When the postcard is registered, the recepient can see what the day was like, what the weather was like and so on.

Cheryll, Suriname

There is a facebook group for 'postcards with the actual background'.
I contributed a few on that page.
It's fun!

Graham_Beck, United States of America

😊 Thank you for sharing this! It really is amazing to see all the creative ideas and adventures that philatelists have when getting beautiful #xtremephilately photos. I'm looking forward to taking part in some more #xtremedeltiology, it is so much fun!

di_postcards, United States of America

I have quite a few such pictures 😊 So fun! Thanks for sharing these hashtags, I didn’t know they existed 😀

1Suzanne, United Kingdom

I think I might do this with animals especially cows and sheep as they are in the fields near me.

BigJuice, Canada

Very cool! I have noticed a bunch of these types of images on social media lately, but I never realized there was an actual name for it. Going to have to give it a try!

Toome2, Netherlands

Great idea! I did it also with old familypictures, so much fun.

DarciNZ, New Zealand

lyndac, there is a topic on the forum for this, called "Your postcard in reality" under 'Postcards & Mail' and 'Postcard chat!'.

linku, Germany

thank you for the inspiration_ we'll go and find some postcard places!

Flippie, Canada

What a great idea! I love the you tube movie...

beesknees, United States of America

oh to be able to visit all these places................................

richardphilatelist, United Kingdom

Thanks for sharing #xtremedeltiology and #xtremephilately and thanks for mentioning me.
Here is my #xtremephilately map
I'm looking forward to seeing more #xtremedeltiology and #xtremephilately

stampraider, Canada

Neat! I just got a card from a PC user who does this in Disneyland!

mounten, Italy

What a cute idea....I love the you tube video..Atlantic City must be a really nice place, thank you for sharing.

FairyFoot, United Kingdom

It appears I did some #xtremephilately in 2015 before I found out it was a thing!

dpaffodil, United States of America

Did this in 2012 when I found an old postcard from Korea at a yard sale and went to find the exact place on my study abroad that year.

GoCindy, United States of America

This is great! Another use for all my postcards!

AnnJewel_Chyi, China

What a fascinating idea! Thanks for sharing!

badtriplea, Russia

Always wanted to do that! my idea is to take a picture of the stamp and a postcard with the same painting against this painting. and I'd love to make the same with a place not an art piece.
And I'm also very glad that you've used the photo of the postcard of one St. Petersburg postcrosser and a postcard shop hostess, who I happen to know!

LuisaM, Greece

Brilliant! What a fantastic idea! Thank you for sharing.

duntru, Russia

I am very eager to join this challenge when I visit the right places... This post inspired me, thank you!

irra_cards, Russia

I love to take photos like this too, it's very interesting! I even created a small community where members share their photos:)

Hawwa, Spain
Luziaceleste, Brazil

Inspiration for traveles, besides travel mode, exploring local scens on postcards and stamps. What a cool idea!

triplightly, United States of America

Such a creative idea! I wish I had seen this before I returned from a tour of southern Utah with a gazillion postcards that matched the scenery! =D

HCl3646, China



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