Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > A million cards' contest - winners!

And now, ladies and gentlemen postcrossers, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the results of our “A million cards’ contest”! Here they are, two for each of the five categories:

Best backside texts
IMG_0001.jpgjtills, from the United States wrote: “I come out of my shell when I interact with others through Postcrossing.”
maneij, from Finland wrote: “Hi there! I think Postcrossing broadens the mind! Its warmhearted friendship all over the world, like world language, like world breathing. I can get to know strange people, strange cultures and at the same time I can teach other people too. On the written card I can see a tiny flash about ones life and that moment we are close together in spite of miles, borders or races. We are friends. That’s the most important. I’m lucky I found Postcrossing, I has enriched my life. I love it.” IMG_0034.jpg

Best handmade cards
IMG_0039.jpg Eefjevt, from the Netherlands, sent us this beautifully handcrafted 3D card. The wheel spins to reveal different sets and best wishes.
Sady, from Germany, sent us this relief card that she made from pictures in a magazine. Check out the beautiful backside as well! IMG_1064.jpg

Best representative of your country
IMG_1033.jpg just_me, from Slovenia writes: “On the picture are Kurants, the main carnival figure of Kurentovande. Kurent is believed to be endowed with unearthly powers, for with its demoniac figure, with jumping and ringing bells, it performs a rite which is supposed to chase the Winter away to bring Spring to the country.”
Elinborg, from Iceland writes: “Hello from Iceland. We have more sheep than people so I love to send cards with sheep :)” IMG_1052.jpg

Funniest cards
IMG_1042.jpg davyn, from Finland writes: “Have you ever experienced anything like this? You go on your long awaited holiday, and when you finally arrived to your destination, nothing is exactly how it looked like in the brochure.”
Milly91, from France, sent us a mouthwatering postcard of all the things we would like to taste in Paris! IMG_0015.jpg

Nicest stamps
IMG_1063.jpg IMG_1057.jpg
From sushis in france From Isagv in Germany
These 10 lucky users will receive a pack of 20 MOO postcards each, fully customizable with their photos or designs. If your card wasn’t chosen, please don’t be sad, we promise we’ll have more contests soon :) Meanwhile, you can see all the cards received on this flickr set.

Congratulations to everybody and thank you for all your kind words and best wishes!

14 comments so far

isagv, Germany

Thank you so much for picking up my used stamps as winning stamps. :) :) :)
I am looking forward to the MOO postcards. :)
Congratulations to all other winners and many greetings, Isa

Fermina, Mexico

Congratulations!!!!! Beautiful postcards. Specially the Funniest cards. I cant see my postcard in that flickr set, will you upload it soon?

Eefjevt, Netherlands

Wow..... I'm a winner :-) I can always use cards ;-)
Congratulations to the other winners too!

sushis, Spain

Thanks!!! I'm very happy!! :-D and congratulations to the others winners and to Postcrossing for this amazing projet!!

meiadeleite, Portugal

We will try to upload more cards as they arrive, but the ones you can see now were the ones we got so far. China is a slow country, postal-wise.

postmuse, United States of America

Paris menu is my favorite. Very clever!

Milly91, France

Hello postcrossers
I'm very happy to win for the funniest postcard :-D. It looks like me : I love to laugh, eat good things and visit monuments !
Thank you Paulo for your project I'm looking forward for the Moo postcards.

postkartenfranz, Switzerland

Bravo! Are you going to publish the cards that arrive late? Like mine, for example ;-)

Melonymo, Thailand

Congratulations everyone!!!
I like your all cards. Fantastic!!
But my card hasn't arrived yet,,,
no picture in the flickr set. Bad luck.

I will try sending nest time,,

Melonymo, Thailand

Congratulations everyone!!!
I like your all cards. Fantastic!!
But my card hasn't arrived yet,,,
no picture in the flickr set. Bad luck.

I will try sending next time,,

jalutaja, Estonia

Congratulations to winners and hugs to everyone (like me!) whose cards failed to arrive. I mailed mine on April 5th.

isabetta, Italy

Congratulations to all the winners :)
My cards didn't arrive, but well, it wasn't as beautiful as the ones I can see on Flickr anyway ;)

DanielleVi, Netherlands

Very cool postcards and stamps! Congratulations to all winners!

isagv, Germany

I received my MOO cards today. They are so special! :-) I am smiling. :-))
