
twiichii, Thailand
  • country Thailand
  • Member since Joined 14th Dec., 2014
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

Receive postcards

About Ashley...

I'm an English teacher in Thailand!
Please feel free to share something special about your city, state, or country
so that I can share with my students~ (e.g. a special food/recipe, a cultural tradition, song, or craft, and a phrase in your language)

I am an artist, crafter, cosplayer, student, musician, etc.
who enjoys making new friends and sharing my passions with other people~
twitter @twiischibis, fb/dA/IG/tumblr: #twiichii for my art and snail mail life <3

My favorite season is winter, favorite color is pastel teal, favorite snack is chocolate, and more than anything I love drawing! A fun fact about me is: I enjoy collecting and scrapbooking creative business cards/postcards, such as those from unique stores or restaurants and original ones by artists!

I am open-minded about all exchanges and like receiving snail mail with my 'dream themes' which include: cute, lolita or mori culture, pokemon, little twin stars, tokyo ghoul, stars/heavens/galaxies, art, and nature, among others. Please feel free to message me for direct swaps or long term snail mail relationships ~

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