
tra193, United Kingdom

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon English, learning Malay
  • icon he/him
  • icon 11th August

About Tom...

I was born in Kuching and moved to the UK when I was 6 years old. Regarding SE Asia, I also spent a year in Brunei after leaving school, working in the forest. One day I would like to come back and visit the beautiful land of Malaysia. Brunei also. I am married with 2 children. I mostly like to exchange postcards with people in Malaysia and Brunei (direct swaps). Nice picture postcards with nice stamps and messages.

Please note that I would like postcards to be used in the post: do not put in an envelope. Please use nice stamps (I will do the same for you), using multiples where possible. If you can get them, I particularly like the Malaysia definitives with the state crest. I always use multiple stamps on the cards I send, often overpaying the postage (although I do not necessarily expect this of you).

I would like postcards that show your country and its culture: the people, customs, wildlife, countryside, famous landmarks, etc. I do not want other cards including advertising, cartoon, pets, humorous, erotic, fantasy, etc. Thank you.

I am learning Malay and making some progress. Saya pelajar yang rajin! A good way to learn is from postcards so it would be nice if you could write some Malay on cards to me. Or just give me a few interesting Malay words to learn, e.g. the Malay names of particular animals and plants.

I like drawing on postcards, especially plants and animals.

Please remember to sign your card with either your real or postcrossing name. I get a surprising number of unsigned cards and it is so frustrating not to be able to thank you for your card, or to know who to send a card to in return.

Finally, remember that it is the simple things in life that are most beautiful. Postcrossing is just so much fun and I so much enjoy both sending and receiving cards :)

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