
tatsianaoneill, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 20th Oct., 2009
  • icon Seen over 9 years ago

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About Tatsiana...


I was born in Belarus. In 2004 (when I was 22 years old) I moved to USA. America, is my home now, but my heart will always stay with Motherland. I'm a certified yoga, yoga-dance and laughter-yoga teacher - best job in the whole world!

Cards I Like: Humorous and/or yogi cards will be great! I also like any cards with interesting and out-of-the-ordinary things.

Extra Bonus: This is not required, but I would love for those who I exchange cards with to perform a "random act of kindness" (RAoK)for someone and to let me know what that act was. Something like paying for a stranger's coffee, giving a stranger who is having a bad day a hug or flowers, etc. By giving random acts of kindness we brighten someone's day as well as foster kindness and love in our own. I notice that the more creative I get in my RAoK the more interesting, exciting, and inspiring it is for me too. If you have a long story to share feel free to email me. I would love to hear it. Together we can brighten the world one postcard at a time. =)

Some RAoK ideas: http://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-ideas

Thank you and Namaste

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