
sunshinekat, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 2nd Jan., 2014
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

Receive postcards

About Katherine...

Hi, my name is Katherine i am from Puerto Rico which is an island in the Caribbean and i like to send postcards. Direct swaps accepted :D.
I love receiving postcards no matter what they look like and that includes quirky, odd, scary and maybe a little weird.
but if you need more specific stuff then here's a list of types i'd like to receive:
-old castles
-famous landmarks/monuments
-national flower
-street views or like something picturesque about normal life in your country/ town
-you can write about yourself or your country's history and or you can write pretty much whatever a poem a famous phrase literally anything.
Currently living in Berea, Ohio so of course i can provide you with postcards of cows, lots of cows. :)

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