
pwoink, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 11th Jul., 2012
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

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About Alex...

Hey! I was born in Ukraine, and have lived in Russia, Turkey, Syria, Malta, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Durham in North Carolina, and near Atlanta in Georgia. Right now I live in a small lively city in Ohio in an old big house. I like going on lots of road trips, though, so if you get a postcard from me, it might be from anywhere in the United States!

I live with my partner, Austin, and we have a pair of pet rats. These days, we are reconstructing our used school bus into a traveling house.

I use the Postcrossing cards I receive as bookmarks -- my favourite are unusual, creative, artistic, or weird ones. If you send a card, I'd love it if you wrote a little bit about your favorite place in town. I might visit it one day!

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