
poohbear71, United Kingdom

Receive postcards

About Jane...

I live in Leeds UK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeds with husband and 9 year old daughter.

I am unable to work due to long term illness.

I joined postcrossing so my daughter can get postcards from different countries and we can learn about those places as we are unable to travel very far from home.

I enjoy crafts and reading and cats. I also spend a lot of time online looking for ideas and talking to similar people.

I write a blog about my interests and my illness http://poohbear71.blogspot.co.uk/

I am happy to receive any postcards and would love to hear about you and where you live. It's great to be able to "travel" in my own home and teach my daughter about different places and cultures. We love it when a new postcard arrives.

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