
pillowlava, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 8th Jan., 2012
  • icon Seen over 10 years ago

Receive postcards

About Molly...

I live in Boise, Idaho, in the beautiful northwest United States. Boise is situated in a high desert valley, and there is a beautiful river very near my house. Sage brush and sunny skies fill my days, and even during the winter months it is often very bright and lovely (albeit cold)!

I love receiving anything! I ESPECIALLY LOVE VINTAGE & antique cards! I love hand-made cards, cards with animals like fox, coyotes, wild cats, horses, goats, birds, butterflies, otters, seals... fashion, nudes, anything strange and beautiful... big trees and plants... portraits, fine art prints... dusty scenes, volcanoes, old flowers, desertscapes, cactus, lichens, moss, underwater, landscapes... the moon... mushrooms, eggs... particularly anything weird or unusual. I also collect really boring postcards. The kind you pick up and say to yourself, why would anyone make a postcard of this? Sounds good to me!

I love to read, write, go to hotsprings, search for old things, broken things, spend time traipsing with my dog, cook & eat delicious food, drink good beer & wine, screenprint, paint desertscapes, ride my bike through the snow, dye fabric, and sew.

If you don't know what to write, you might answer one of these questions:

What is the first thing you saw when you woke up today?
Have you met any special characters lately?
Have you read an amazing book or short story recently that I ought to find?
What did you have to eat today?
What are the flowers/trees/vegetation like in your area?
Did something amazing happen to you today?
What is your favorite thing in the world?

And please date your card! Thanks, and I can't wait to meet you!

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