
paperbackrider, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 24th Nov., 2014
  • icon Seen 9 months ago

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About Jillian...

I'm a librarian lady with a taste for the unique, antique, dazzling & delicious. I love all things ephemeral, sparkly, sweet & savory. I also love languages though I don't speak many. Do you have a favorite word? Perhaps you could teach it to me in your native language! My favorite word is 'marzipan'. I also love cooking so your favorite recipe would be a wonderful thing to send my way!!

I run marathons (and half-marathons and 10ks and 5ks and Turkey Trots and Color Runs) so that I can eat all the doughnuts & pie I want. Also because I love the inspiring stories of fellow runners and crack up at the funny signs that people make to cheer the runners on. Plus my husband always buys me a cheeseburger and beer when I cross the finish line.

I'm a school librarian and love to share my passion for reading and learning with my students. Helping them find information and do research ensures that I'll never stop learning! I also work as an archivist, digging through boxes of history, stuff that many would consider junk or trash, hoping to find untold treasures. I'm fascinated with the past and relish peering into it through my job - sorting through photo albums, visiting untouched homes and digging through basements, attics, and barns to uncover bits and pieces of stories from long (or not so) long ago.

I have a major case of wanderlust and travel as often as I can, which isn't very often. For now, my honey and I adventure in our own neck of the Northeast, but we hope to whisk away someplace distant soon! For now the colorful postcards that adorn our refrigerator will have to do... that and the memories of our last adventure - a scooter ride across Bermuda in search of secret beaches!

I have two kitties/snugglebugs/food thiefs named Macaroni and Marzipan. They love to get in trouble and sleep by the fireplace. I have a honey who thinks he's a lumberjack, romping through the woods and chopping down trees to keep our log cabin toasty warm. Yup, just like Laura Ingalls, we live in a log cabin that's only heated by the fireplace. Rustic and romantic, indeed.

Other things I love:
old movies
books books books
fancy cocktails
cooking but not so much baking
book clubs that are really just an excuse for wine & gossip
baby animals
Christmas carols
road trips
swimming in the ocean
pretending I can play an instrument
dance parties
snail mail
other peoples' birthdays

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