
papagenos, United Kingdom

Receive postcards

About Andrew...

I own a post office in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland, so I get to see lots of postcards everyday of the week. I am fascinated by the postcards people choose to send to friends and family and the messages they write.

I am a keen hiker and hillwalker and enjoy being out in the countryside, so any postcards with photographs of the countryside near where you live will be appreciated.

If you are stuck for ideas about what to write here are two suggestions:

1. The British are obsessed with the weather. That's what happens when you live on an island with weather that comes across a vast ocean. When two Brits get together you can guarantee they will eventually discuss the weather. So tell me about the weather the day you send your card!

2. I am a frustrated writer. I love the power of words. I love to see new ways of using words. Share with me a favourite quotation, some words of wisdom or a proverb from your country.

Happy Postcrossing!

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