
nanoarchaeum, Czech Republic
  • country Czechia
  • Member since Joined 18th Jun., 2010
  • icon Seen over 2 years ago

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About Martin...

Hello everyone,
my name is Martin and I am currently living in the beautiful city of Brno, the capital of the South Moravian Region in the Czech republic.
I’ve been sending postcards since I learned writing in English and as part of this time, I am a tad a bit struggling with my hobbies. I recollected how good it felt to discover a postcard from a place far away, so I thought it might be a good idea to try this once again.

A little about me:
I am a Ph.D. student at Masaryk University, a member of the Protein Structure and Dynamics group of prof. Žídek, Ph.D., and I am focusing on the structure of RNA polymerase and its transcription factors through means of NMR spectroscopy and CRYO-electron microscopy. So if you do structural or molecular biology, let me know :D it's great to meet fellow scientists!
I love nature. I come from a rural area and my grandparents had a farm where I grew up. Now when I am living in a flat, I hoard flowers. With my fiancé, we acquired a great collection of flowers, ranging from ferns, philodendrons to dorstenias and all sorts of cacti. Let me know if you have a similar habit.
I was formerly very keen on literature and I am a big fan of classical poetry and Japanese haiku, if you have a favourite poem in your national language surely let me know. My favourite genres are realism, surrealism and fantasy. As part of my most favourite book author, count in Terry Pratchett and J. R. R. Tolkien. I am also a big fan of philosophy, slowly chewing through its history and finding my way of discourse. Feel free to let me know about a good book to read.
I love music, jazz and classics mainly, but I am slowly getting into vaporwave and indie. I was playing on several instruments, accordion, piano, trombone, being part of several bands and had a place in an orchestra. But nowadays all I can do is to play few strums on a ukulele.
Hey, the last thing, I am an incredible fan of tea, tea ceremonies and teaware. If you are from Asia, mainly China, let me know if you are also a tea nerd. I am slowly hoarding some Yixing pots so I can brew some teas. Oolong, in general, tends to be my favourites but I have some nice cakes of Puerh as well. Sadly I can´t speak Chinese so it is hard to come by nice kettles and stuff in Europe. Do you also like tea?
Coffee, I will just let it sink it here, just as I do on my V60.
I also just started to play DnD and am a DM of my own adventure :D (yeah last thing :D)

Yeah, that’s pretty much. Feel free to send me anything, with one exception, being advertisement cards. Do you have a favourite landscape, favourite piece of art, anything, feel free to send it to me. Don´t hesitate to write some words about yourself. Or perhaps what is the weather like in your place right now. In the end, me and my fiancé are glad to hear anything about you or the postcard itself.
Oh oh, and if you are from Finland by any chance, I would love to have some Moomin postcards. 😊

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

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