
egloryid, Spain
  • country Spain
  • Member since Joined 24th Jun., 2015
  • icon Seen 9 months ago

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About Gloria...

Hello! My name is Gloria, I am 20 years old and I live in Chipiona, a small town in the coastline of Andalusia (Spain).
Chipiona is quite boring most of the year and it is not the most beautiful place in Spain but I still love living here. There are peace and tranquility. Also, I love the sea, I couldn't live far from the ocean. The air, the saltwater... I love it.
I really really like elephants. They are marvelous.

One of my biggest passions is cinema. I love films and shows too. I think that communication through audiovisual content is quite interesting and it gives you a lot of different options to express yourself.
I like listening to music and research about the artist. I am very curious about the story behind a song or an album and I love to find little secrets or random facts about famous people.

I really like scrapbooking and everything related to paper, paint, washi tape, stickers, pens... When I'm feeling sad or I need to relax I paint or decorate objects. I've been practicing journaling for a while and it has helped me a lot. Writing my feelings and thoughts helps me find a new perspective and, in the end, I feel better.

I find mindfulness very useful and I think that everybody should try meditation. I am following the "Waking up Course" by Sam Harris and I am very happy. Sitting in silence and trying to focus on the present and forget about judgment and simply stand in space are simple exercises that have helped me in a lot of ways.

I am moving to Germany for one year (ERASMUS). Normally I am in Seville studying Anthropology.

Stop talking about me! What about you? How are you? What are your hobbies? Do you have a passion? Where do you live? Is there anything special there? You can write something in your original language if you want. I really like postcards made by yourself but you can sed whatever you want :) (don´t forget to write the date)

Have a nice day, take care of yourself, wash your hands and happy postcrossing!

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