
dickon_edwards, United Kingdom

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About Dickon...

I am a British writer and musician who lived in London for decades, though I currently live in a small village in Suffolk, UK. I have a recent PhD in English literature.

My favourite things include: libraries, cafes, cinemas, novels, gin, coffee, prosecco, cocktails, Art Deco, Ronald Firbank, Evelyn Waugh, Truman Capote, Virginia Woolf, James Baldwin, Angela Carter, the Beatles, Aubrey Beardsley, Christopher Isherwood, William Burroughs, David Bowie, the Smiths, the film Liquid Sky, Jorge Luis Borges, Anita Brookner, Brigid Brophy, Angus Wilson, Ivy Compton-Burnett, Francis Bacon, MC Escher, Donna Tartt, Dory Previn, the band McCarthy, Ivor Cutler, Sparks, Pet Shop Boys, Alan Bennett, Alan Hollinghurst, Lewis Carroll, Herbert List, Stephen Tennant, Jean Cocteau, Clive Barker, Douglas Adams, Bronzino, and Oscar Wilde.

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