
bright-star, Thailand
  • country Thailand
  • Member since Joined 9th Oct., 2010
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

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About bright-star...

I'm a student; and due to my inability to find a better way to sum up my life, here's a quote from one of my all-time favourite writers, Franz Kafka: "I am free and that is why I am lost.”

It is the time of my life where I am overflowing with youth and ideas, but no definite direction.

The only aim I have, for now, is to be able to travel the world one day. Especially the European countries. I know how clichéd that sounds, but I'd always been interested in the diversity of the cultures and people. Wouldn't it be a waste to just stay home, experience nothing, and miss out on all the things this world has to offer?

As for my hobbies, I have to admit that I don't have many. I read a lot, I watch a lot of films, listen to a lot of music, and occasionally I loiter around the cafés, pretending to be a part of some cultural revolution - just for some good, long discussions. Also, I tend to get overly excited when I get into a conversation about history.

I'd appreciate any kind of postcards really, but since providing a list of preferences would make it easier for everyone, it'll be nice to get a postcard showing a view your country, historical site, or reflects your culture. Cute illustrations like the Moomins etc would be great too.

I'm quite a big football fan too, my clubs being Bayern München and Liverpool. It'll be fantastic to get a postcard of either of them!

Cheers :)

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