
attenea, Puerto Rico
  • territory Puerto Rico
  • Member since Joined 1st Feb., 2009
  • icon Seen over 11 years ago

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icon icon 48th on sent postcards from 49th on longest distance from

About attenea...


I´m Maru, born and raised in Puerto Rico. I´ve never been that good describing myself in this sort of things but I´ll try my best to do it, cause I love the concept.

I´m currently a master student of literature and I love books! Reading it´s my passion and I really think that´s why I love to receive mail, it´s just a beautiful and almost crafty way of comunication that I appreciate so much.

Some of my interest are:

* black and white (my favorite)
* portraits
* ethnic
* vintage
* abstract

- art
*modern, abstract, graffitti, minimalist

- quotes

-eco friendly stuff
*crafts, paper, postcards, clothes, books, notebooks.

* art, photography, literature, poetry, vintage look, maps, astronomy, cooking... almos all of them.

-pinup art


-vintage world (fascinates me)
* clothes, photos, make-up, people, structures, books, art, stamps, letters, cameras, typewriters, movies, advertisements, etc

- 60´s, 70`s and 80´s


- español (spanish)
*adoro mi idioma, nunca deja de parecerme fascinante y complejo.
* I just love my language it NEVERS stops fascinating me.

:) Dont be afraid, send the post-cards!! and please include the date :)

** Note: I usually dont send conventional postcards about puerto rican scenaries just because I prefer other things, but if that's what you like, I'll try my best to get them (:***

Oh and I'm always looking and searching new sites and ways to get postcards, you can share your favorites ^_^

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