
Tweetytwouble, United Kingdom

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About Lisa...

Hi there,

I love learning about different places, I am interested in:
Sport- Football ( Glasgow Rangers and Liverpool are my favorite teams), I love water sports (Swimming and Diving are the favorite) I enjoy walking around Cornwall and exploring new places with my 2 dogs by my side! - When I can as I suffer from Fibromyalgia and Hemiplegic migraines.
Writing - I don't do as much of this as i would like to however I still enjoy it very much.
Reading - I love reading nothing feels better than being totally immersed in a great book. Who doesn't like the Harry potter books! I enjoy all types of books from autobiography's to cookery, from romance to horror, My most read category would be crime novels, I love them!
Farming - I help out on a dairy farm and we attend ALOT of Cattle shows, One of my biggest achievements would be winning Champion Holstein Handler in 2015 as up until 2010, I Had never been near a cow. ( I am originally from Glasgow in Scotland)

Update June 2017 - My Fibromyalgia and Migraines have been playing havoc with my body so between that and caring for a family member at the moment I'm not seeing or doing much with the world outside the little bubble, So feel free to show me the world :-), Also I am very interested in world politics (especially recently) So feel free to tell me about the good and the bad in your area!

You can tell me anything be it your favorite place near you, your biggest achievement so far, what's your future plans?

I live in Cornwall which is a beautiful county in the south west of England.

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