
ScrapSandz, South Africa

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  • icon 27th February

About Sandi...

Warm Greetings.

My name is Sandz, I am the other side of 40 heading at a train knot speed towards 50. How that happened I have no idea.

I am mom of two teens (18 and 14), a stepmom to 2 adults, a recycled wife, a daughter, a sister, and an awesome friend.

My friends call me a dreamer who loves to travel, read and scrapbook.

Passionate about family heritage scouring the earth to discover my roots. With my intuitive nature, free spirit, love for life and people, it sometimes causes my generous and kind heart to be hurt easily.

I live in Johannesburg, South Africa, a mis-represented country, that is sadly labelled very negatively. My husband and I own a small holding which has 4 ponies, Timmy and Sam the Border Collies, 4 cats, a rescued tortoise named Mona Lisa, and a number of birds and fish.

We have the most spectacular view of the Magalies Mountain Range. The weather in South Africa is vibrant, as are our people, and I hope to share some postcards highlighting some aspects of the country I call home.

I will welcome any postcards - I love faeries, Disney characters and anything pretty.

Looking forward to receiving some interesting postcards.

Love and Smiles

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