
SavannaJoyce, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 2nd Nov., 2017
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

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About Savanna...

Hello there! I love the idea of PostCrossing and am excited to get started!

I am a writer currently living in Virginia, USA. Reading and writing have been life-long loves for me and I am especially fond of poetry and Russian literature. Some of my favorite authors include Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Czeslaw Milosz, Evelyn Waugh, P. G. Wodehouse, G. K. Chesterton, and Pope St. John Paul II.

I love studying philosophy and art, and my free time often involves watching movies (especially classic 1930s-1940s American film) or doing home improvement projects. My hobbies include travel, dance (I danced for 12 years!), watercolor painting, crossword puzzles, trivia, hiking with friends, playing cards, and sand-collecting. Here are some other themes I am fond of: iconography, architecture, world travel, sunflowers, Charlie Brown, Alice in Wonderland, butterflies, and kaleidoscopes.

After finishing my undergraduate degree, I served as a missionary teacher for two years in Central America, which left me with a profound love for experiencing different places and cultures. Sending postcards to others around the world (and receiving postcards too!) seems like a wonderful way to learn more about life! I would love to hear about a poem, film, or other work of art that has made a difference in your life!

Peace and blessings,

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