
RiverDragon, United Kingdom

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About Chelle...

Hi there!
I'm Chelle, I'm 30 and I live in Cornwall, in the South West of England. I'm a total fangirl and love all things "geek". I write my own fanfiction, and I'm building my confidence up to write my own original story, but for now, I'm happy to write fanfic. So far I have Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Captain America, and I'm working on a few others too.

I love cooking and experimenting with food. If there are any recipes you enjoy, or any local recipes you think I may like, let me know and I'll report back on how they go!

I love getting postcards from all over the world, but my favourite ones are scenery pictures, or something native to you. Languages are also a big interest of mine, so I would love it if you were able to write something in your native language please.

As I said above, I'm a total fangirl! I love Harry Potter, Dr Who, Divergent, BBC Sherlock, Star Trek, Red Dwarf, Marvel Comics & Movies, AVPM, The Hunger Games, BBC Merlin and I'm always on the look out for more. I've jut got into The Maze Runner, and I'm trying to convince my kids they NEED to buy me the 9 Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices books for christmas lol.

"The book is always better than the movie."

To the person who sent me a postcard the other week from Asia with no ID on it: I am going to reply to the address you sent, I have just misplaced the card somewhere, so I haven't forgotten :)

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