
RashmiJain, India
  • country India
  • Member since Joined 11th Nov., 2019
  • icon Seen 3 months ago

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About Rashmi...

I am a little bit who loves everything around me. A big sucker of nature, Movies, aloo ka paratha ( An Indian dish, let me know if you have ever had it). I own a small startup called OldTrunk and enjoy the process of creating fun stuff!
Why postcards?
I love to travel. Slowly but surely I hope to travel to different parts of the world. And until then I would like to see the world from your eyes and someday if I visit your place I hope to feel a tinge of nostalgia!
Things I like on my postcard:
1. Write something in your language and translate it for me.
2. Let me know how was your day or something about you personally. (Vent out a cute little secret if you would like)
3. Some super cute stamps.
4. Either through words or pictures of the postcards, I hope to see something about you or your city through the postcard. Vintage stuff would be great too. :)

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