
MusingsOfABabyBoy, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 22nd Nov., 2022
  • icon Seen 5 months ago

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About Dax...

Hello world! I was born August 2022! My mother is maintaining this profile for me: sending a card every month(ish) since my birth in order to give me a stack of postcards with a ready-to-go Postcrossing account at some indeterminate future birthday. How exciting is that?!

So what am I looking for, and how can you help?


Any kind of advice!

It can be as benign ("wash your socks often") or as meaningful ("the secret to a good life is...") as you want!

Maybe you have a saying in your country tied to a folk story or legend that resonates with you.

Maybe you want to tell me about relationships, from romantic to platonic to familial and everything in between.

In what way should one should treat their possessions, be a thoughtful citizen, maintain their health, or relate to their job? How do wise people deal with money, trust others, overcome adversity, or be a steward of the planet's resources? Do you have opinions on what makes a good man? How do you fill a hole in your heart, or nurture your soul?

I especially cherish lessons you learned the hard way, maybe through painful trial-and-error or at high personal cost. Please tell me your stories on these postcards, that I may read them when I get old enough and become a good person.

I can't wait to read what you have to say! Just have to grow up a little bit first. :)

A curious baby boy



- As long as it has your advice on it, I CHERISH ALL CARDS. Your words of wisdom are the most important of all. That said, I much adore when you theme your postcard and advice together! Wow!

- I'm still too tiny for likes but so far, I seem to really be into being read Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. My house also has cats and houseplants who tolerate my intrusion into their lives.

- I don't scan cards (this is an offline hobby for me), so if that's important to you please do so yourself. I do log cards the day they're received. :)

Thank you again for reading. <3

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