
MichelleKaspar, Czech Republic
  • country Czechia
  • Member since Joined 23rd Apr., 2013
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

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  • icon 20th February

About Michaela...

Hello stranger!

Michaela. Prague, Czech republic.
Not very tall, currently seventeen, always late, never quite sure about what to do with her life.

Mostly occupying some nearby coffee and no matter how the weather behaves, there is always a book in my hand. I would describe myself as a scribbler with quite a naive aim of becoming a writer one day, someone whose evenings are well spent only when having a good conversation about everything and nothing or when there is a film worth seeing.

Among poetry, novels and other written, art is what i genuinely love. ( Eventually, arguing about I could have done it myself! & what is the meaning of this? & this is art?)
It does not matter whether it is a modern piece or an ancient artefact, visiting galleries and contemplating about the author`s meaning always makes my day. c:

I consider myself as a zen buddhist, meditation is something which clears my head, puts thoughts where they belong and it also works as an internet detox. And that is very useful! (Since internet is my worst procrastination place.)

Traveling is something i can`t imagine my life without! I believe that every single place has a memory of its own and to use a metaphor - exploring new places is like seeing what`s inside one`s head.

I use a typewriter, love old Woody Allen films, The french new wave, authors such as Fernando Pessoa and basically the whole Magic Realism, reading and re-reading poetry, (E.E. Cummings, W. Szymborska, Robert Frost, etc.) writing and writing, wandering through the town, autumn, modern english authors, coffee, nature and many other things! (and books, and stuff and there are to many things to be listed in this one small white box!)

So! If you do enjoy writing or generally words, tell me so! I would love to read about what inspires you, what book should i read, what poems are the must-read ones, places you would like to visit again, paintings you have fallen in love with or films you like to watch over and over. And over.

Please, do not send my any animal or commercial themed cards. :)
I would be the happiest if receiving a vintage one, b & w themed, art related, handmade or a photograph postcard. Additionally, if you are interested in a longer than just a one-letter-correspondece, feel free to message me!

Looking forward to your letter! c:


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