
GusMelody, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 30th Jul., 2014
  • icon Seen over 2 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon English
  • icon he/him
  • icon 12th December

About Sam...

My name is Sam Gozdalski and I am 15 years old. I live in the United States and I am in 10th grade. My pronouns are he/him please remember to use them, thanks!

I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community. I am a gay transgender male (ftm). If you have questions or anything you can write them on the back of the postcard.

I am also starting to get into practicing Wicca! If anyone has any tips for spell jars, deities, alters, crystals, pendulums, incense, or anything else please feel free to write them down. I'm just starting out so I pretty much have not much of a clue lol.

If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here. You could leave your email, phone number, social media account, etc and we could talk if you want to keep in touch or just need someone to talk to.

************NOTE: I Am Interested in Receiving Direct Swaps************

The types of postcards I would like to receive are:

-Butterflies (I'd love you forever, I swear!)
-Photo shopped pictures you have took
-Photos you have taken
-Places From Your Country or City
-Famous Things From Your Country or City
-Places you have Visited
-Harry Potter
-Super Heroes
-Star Wars
-Pictures of Stamps
-Any Animals
-Hand-made postcards
****Really Anything****

But also I like collecting things (such as rocks, stamps, coins, crystals, etc.) so I was wondering if you would be so kind to send the post card in an envelope with an object or something from your country. Such as a rock, crystal, stamp, coin, piece of fabric, drawing you made, or a piece of candy from your country. It would be really make my day if you did! I have a weird obsession with collecting rocks lol so definitely if you are going to send me something, which you don't have to obviously! Probably the first thing I'd really appreciate is rocks...don't judge I don't know why either lol. But either way anything is appreciated!

Please if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here don't think you are alone. If you leave a way for me to contact you I will take the time to and say I'm from Postcrossing! Just know you're not alone!

-Sam Juniper Gozdalski

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