
FarmPirates, United Kingdom

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About Michelle...

I LOVE postcards! I hope they never go out of style. There is just something so fun and uplifting about these little photo cards with a wee message on the back. And postcards are even more awesome when they arrive from people I've never met before! I learn SO MUCH about our world from little snippets shared on postcards. :-) Whoever invented these things should have a statue made of them in every capital of every nation!

THANK YOU to everyone that has written such lovely messages on the backs of your postcards. I save them in an album which has become a treasure in this house.

I am a Catholic American woman from Alaska that is married to a Scottish farmer. Which is crazy because I never *ever* imagined that I would wind up over here in Scotland! We met as pen-pals and before we knew it we were in love. (THAT was unexpected!) So we married and overnight I went from town lady to farm wife without much knowledge of agriculture. Talk about a steep learning curve!

At the moment we have three small children. Our farm is organic and we raise Aberdeen Angus cattle as well as sheep. We also have many barn cats that prowl in search of mice and rats and beg for our scraps, and our 3 totally overly spoiled pet goats and 1 pet sheep, "Sookie", who is purely a pampered pet. He is half Lleyn and has the most luxurious coat! During an art session this summer he ended up half pink ~ Sookie doesn't know how to behave around art supplies, it turns out!! ~ and his coat is only now slowly beginning to look normal again. :-) He follows us everywhere and loves to be brushed and spoiled. When we leave the door open (in summer) before we know it we have a sheep walking in to say hello. The expressions on the faces of guests is always a hoot! "This is Sookie, our pet sheep. Want to shake his hoof?"

Living on a farm is a love-hate relationship for me because of the isolation. I am used to being in a town where I can go everywhere so easily! Due to injuries I can't drive these days... hopefully in the near future!... so I am especially isolated. And so I find great benefit in pen-pal letters, and Postcrossing!! Nothing brightens up a stressful farm day like a lovely postcard arriving in the mail!

I enjoy postcards that display scenery from your country as well as images of your culture, such as traditional dress, dance, etc. I really do love learning all about every other place on this planet Earth!

I enjoy reading, writing, listening to music, drinking coffee, walking in nature, riding horses, and learning about new cultures. These days I'm trying to learn mixed-media art journaling and watercolor painting. I have traveled the world a wee bit while a helicopter mechanic in the US Navy and I find it a beautiful place filled with beautiful people. I enjoy animals, especially horses, cows, and sheep. I also enjoy being out of doors exploring the countryside and also enjoy towns and cities.

Go ahead and brag about your country! I'll love it!

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