
Endika, Spain
  • country Spain
  • Member since Joined 5th Jan., 2016
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

Receive postcards

About Endika...

Thank you for writting me!
I'm a Basque student who lives close to Sebastian and the most important aspect you should know about me is that I love travelling and learning about other cultures, so why not write about your culture or how is your life like?
Also, you can talk me about local gastronomy, languages and curiosities. I love curiosities!
I love the poscards with different city's pictures, so you can send me your city's one!
Anyway, I'll accept whatever you send happyly.
I'm also very interested in direct swaps.
Please writte a sentence at least in your native language. And if you send it in an envelope, please send enclosed a bus, train, museum ticket, a coin, a supermarket bill... something local from yor city.
Blank cards are very welcome too.
Thank you for all,
Endika :)

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